The Intercessors Network is a network of men and women whose knees are bent in Prayer, whose commitment to God and HIS KINGDOM AGENDA is their focus.
With the mission to stir awakenings, teach the art of intercession, and raise a people of prayer, The Intercessors’ Network commits to praying out the FATHER’S AGENDA.
Apostle Paul admonished in the book of 1 Timothy 2:1 AMP saying
First of all, then, I urge that petitions (specific requests), prayers, *intercessions (prayers for others)*, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all people…
In line with this, we encourage all whose hearts beats with God for the expansion of His kingdom in the earth to join us. You may do so by clicking The Intercessors Network
We prevail in prayers!
A global community for ministry gifts to be equipped, strengthened, and refreshed for greater impact in their sphere of influence
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